variables:let a = 0;
function calls:let return = function(parameter1, parameter2, ...);
data types:number: 0.3, string: "hello world", boolean: true/false, object, function
arrays:let arr = [value1, value2, ...];
value1 = arr[0];
operators:+, -, *, /, % (rest of a divison: 10 % 4 = 2), ++/-- (increases/decreases number by 1)
comparisons:smaller: a < b
bigger: a > b
smaller or equal: a <= b
bigger or equal: a >= b
equal: a == b
not equal: a != b (notice the !)
logic operators:and: a && b
or: a || b
not: !a
conditions:if(condition) {
}else if(condition2) {
}else {
case value1: